Grants Workshops & Civic Art Info Sessions
Support for Organizations (SO) and Festival Grant (FG)
City’s Initiative (CI)
APRIL 12 • 12 pm
City's Initiative Grant Workshop
Co-host: ALMAAHH
APRIL 12 • 2 pm
Let Creativity Happen Workshop
Co-host: Filipinx Artists of Houston
APRIL 25 • 6:30 pm
Co-host: SAID Institute
12126 Westheimer Rd. #118, Houston, TX 77077
Support for Artists and Creative Individuals (SACI)
MAY 14 • 6 pm
Co-hosts: District I, Council Member Martinez and Box 13 ArtSpace
6815 Rustic St, Houston, TX 77087
Building D, Room 218
July 16 • 12pm
Support for Artists and Creative Individuals Grants Workshop (Virtual)
Meeting ID: 895 7059 6059
Passcode: 077127
July 15 • 6pm to 8pm
Co-host: Houston Music Advisory Board and Sanman Studios
1109 Providence St, Houston, TX 77002
Let Creativity Happen (LCH)
July 16 • 6pm to 8pm
Co-host: Art in the Heart and District H, Council Member Castillo
8321 Jensen Dr, Houston, TX 77093
June 13 • 6pm to 8pm
Co-host: The DeLUXE Theater
3303 Lyons Ave, Houston, TX 77020
MAY 11 • 10am to 12 pm
Co-hosts: Mayor Pro Tem Martha Castex-Tatum & Philippine Community Center
9101 W Bellfort Ave, Houston, TX 77031
July 15 • 12pm
Support for Organizations and Festival Grants Workshop (Virtual)
Meeting ID: 852 2235 7994
Passcode: 846750
Institutional Partners Info Sessions
Every month, SMU DataArts hosts a webinar that covers the basics of completing your Cultural Data Profile (CDP) on the SMU DataArts platform and applying to participating grantmakers. This session is ideal for new users, or anyone looking for a refresher about how to enter your data and create a Funder Report for a grant deadline (1 hour). The webinar is listed in Eastern Time.
Closed captioning is available during the presentation. Hosted By SMU DataArts.
Getting Started with the Cultural Data Profile - Webinar
If you have any questions, reach out to Grants or Civic Art staff through our Support Desk. Below are some additional informational resources.
For Individuals
Artadia Awards provide financial support, exposure, and recognition to artists.
The Idea Fund offers up to $7,000 for 12-14 projects per year that exemplify unconventional, participatory or social practice, conceptual, innovation or entrepreneurial or activist artists’ practices.
Creative Capital supports adventurous artists across the country through funding, counsel, and career development services. This impact-driven arts organization provides each funded project with up to $50,000 in funding and career development services valued at $45,000.
Awesome Foundation Grant is a micro-granting organization, funding "awesome" ideas, The Awesome Foundation set up local chapters around the world to provide rolling grants of $1000 to awesome projects.
Publicartist.org has amazing public art opportunities posted – sign up, it's free!
Looking for professional development opportunities? Creative Capital is an incredible resource.
The Americans for the Arts (AFTA) Public Art Network has resources for artists interested in public artmaking.
For Organizations
Texas Commission on the Arts provides grants, information, and services in support of the arts and cultural industry in Texas.
Houston Endowment is a private foundation that partners with others in the nonprofit, public and private sectors to improve the quality of life for the residents of greater Houston.
The National Endowment for the Arts is an independent federal agency that funds, promotes, and strengthens the creative capacity of our communities by providing all Americans with diverse opportunities for arts participation.
Mid America Arts Alliance offers grants, professional development, and other resources for arts organizations throughout the region.

There are no upcoming Civic Art info sessions at this time, but stay tuned.
View past informational sessions: