Terminal Treasures

With the completion of 10 new site-specific artworks for Bush Intercontinental and Hobby airports, Houston Airports now hosts nearly 350 artworks from Houston’s Civic Art Collection, making it one of the largest presenters of artwork in the aviation industry. The opportunity for artists to pursue these commissions was released state-wide in the Summer of 2020 with the intent to support artists, organizations, and small businesses severely impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Join us at 2 pm on our social media channels for a series of artist talks from each commissioned artist or artist team, where you can learn about their ideas and concepts, and their experience in creating these impressive public artworks. The sponsoring department for these commissions is the City of Houston’s Airport Systems. Overseen by the Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs

July 17            Cruz Ortiz 

July 18            Peter Hite 

July 19            Input / Output 

July 20            Janavi Folmsbee 

July 21            William Cannings 

July 24            Melissa Borrell 

July 25            Xavier Schipani 

July 26            Animalis Works 

July 28            Colby Deal 

July 31            RRR 


“How to Build a Bridge” by Aris Kian Brown


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