Required Public Acknowledgment

Grant recipients are required to acknowledge the support of the City of Houston and Houston Arts Alliance to demonstrate how City funds support arts and culture.

Recipients receiving funds must use the required logos and credit line on all printed and electronic materials that advertise performances, exhibitions, or other public events throughout their work or, for those receiving operating support, throughout the grant period.

Credit line: “This [work, event, organization, or individual name] is funded in part by the City of Houston through Houston Arts Alliance.”

Grantees must upload an example of marketing materials (photographs with captions, publications, promotional materials, flyers, programs, postcards, announcements, press releases, etc.) crediting the support of the City of Houston and Houston Arts Alliance.

The uploaded marketing materials from the funded work can be used by Houston Arts Alliance or the City of Houston for arts and cultural advocacy and promotion.

Use the following format to name your images so that we can give you credit.

[Artist Name], ‘[Title of Artwork/Play/Performance]’ directed by [Director's Name], cast (from left to right) [Cast Names], [Year], [Photographer Name]. [Venue Name], [Location]. 

For conciseness we use Courtesy of (Name of Artist/ Name of Organization) for ALL materials.