Help Restore the Historic Olivewood Cemetery! 

Olivewood Cemetery, a historic site steeped in Houston's rich African American heritage, has faced devastating setbacks this year. The spring storms and tornadoes in May left a trail of destruction, and just recently, Hurricane Beryl dealt another severe blow. Trees, markers, and fencing have been ravaged, leaving many burial plots disrupted and historical markers obscured beneath fallen debris.

Founded in 1875, Olivewood Cemetery holds a significant place in Houston's history, tracing back to the early years after emancipation. It serves as the final resting place for numerous African American leaders and community members who shaped our city's cultural landscape.

Today, Olivewood and its caretakers, Descendants of Olivewood, Inc., a dedicated 501(c)(3) organization, face a critical challenge. They lack the resources and manpower to clear the debris and restore the cemetery to its rightful dignity.

How You Can Help:

  • Donate: Your contribution will fund the much-needed cleanup efforts and restoration projects.

  • Volunteer: Join us in clearing fallen trees and debris to preserve this historic landmark.

  • Spread the Word: Share this story with friends, family, and colleagues who value preserving our local history and community heritage.

Together, we can ensure Olivewood Cemetery remains a testament to resilience and a cherished place for generations to come. Join us in safeguarding this invaluable piece of Houston's history.  You can go to the website to learn more, donate, or volunteer.

#RestoreOlivewood #PreserveOurHistory #HoustonStrong


Preparedness is not an Option